Saint-Nazaire is situated on the estuary of the Loire, and the harbour starts in the city to end a few kilometres later with fuel terminals and Donges refinery.
Huge tankers and liners (like the Emperor of the Seas and the Queen Mary II) are also built in the shipyards of the city.

Night of the Docklands
A lighting artist, Yann Kersalé, was chosen to lit up this place which used to be a dark spot in the city.
Now spotlights enlighten the cranes, buildings and silos of the harbour. At dusk, colored points slowly appear, light beams start crossing the sky.
The harbour doesn’t go to sleep, its mystery and the strength of the buildings and cranes are revealed.
The ships moored in the harbour take their part in the show.
The German submarine base, a huge concrete block which resisted all bombings and became an exhibition hall since I took this photo, is underlined in blue.
In its lock, the submarine Espadon is awaiting your visit.
The lighting is even more magical because it reacts to what happens in the harbour.
Pedestrian, car and ship trafic changes the lights display.