About this site
The author
This is Sophie G’s website.
I was born in Manche (Normandy), I shared my father’s liking for photo, developped it during my studies, and I’m mainly interested in landscape and night photography.
I moved to Rennes (Brittany) in order to study architecture, and decided quite early in the cursus that I wouldn’t be an architect, but would rather use all the various teachings I got to do something else. I didn’t know much about this something else, but at school I discovered 3D modelling and desktop publishing and this something came into view. (thanks Apple for providing the machines that drew me to computers:)
So after I graduated, I started working on multimedia and 3D, in Nantes then back in Rennes. My efforts are featured in the jobs and images pages.
About ’96, I first laid eyes on some html code. I got an internet connexion and started this web site a year later. This hobby lead me to switch to webdesign professionnaly, and that’s still my job…
I’ve moved to Brest at the beginning of 2005, and now work freelance in webdesign. Brest is at the western tip of Brittany, a big sheltered harbour. There’s now a page for Brest photos on this site.
Unless stated otherwise, the images, photos and other works I’ve authored which are gathered on this site are released under a By - Nc - Sa Creative Commons License.
- By: Attribution—You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor
- Nc: Noncommercial—You may not use this work for commercial purposes
- Sa: Share alike—If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one
If you wish to use photos or images on your website or blog (as illustrations or page background), don’t link to them on my site, host them on your server. If you abuse this and use my bandwidth for your website, I might block your access to the photos.
The work produced for various companies (situated mainly in the “Jobs” section) is not released under this license and is not to be used either for noncommercial or commercial purposes. This kind of work is signalled by a company name replacing my name under the photo, image or screenshot and text.
If you plan to use a ressource from this site, please ask me first.
Personal & legal information
This site gathers visitor information in two ways:
- Language preference stored with a cookie on the user’s computer if the user allows it
- Main pages visit statistics (20 last IP addresses)
This site is hosted by Infomaniak Network Sa: 26, Avenue de la Praille - 1227 Carouge / Geneva - Switzerland
RSS news feed
A RSS news feed in English is available for this site. You can keep up to date with the pages I add and the changes I make to the site by subscribing to this feed.
If you already use a RSS reader (online or on your desktop), use this link to subscribe.
If this word is new to you, here’s how to use the feed. Programs allow you to subscribe to news from various sites (information, weblogs, etc…): you can use your browser (Firefox), or your e-mail software (Thunderbird). You can also use a standalone program like Feed demon for Windows or Netnewswire lite for Mac Os X.
Once you have one of these, you just have to either click in the address bar of your browser, or copy the content of the RSS news feed link on this site (http://sophie-g.net/info/e_feed.xml) and paste it in the Subscribe window of the software you have installed.
You’ll then get news from the site when you wish, without having to give me your e-mail address.
This site has had several designs, one after another or available at the same time as a visitor preference.
Blue Maze style, the ‘original’ look of the site, which has evolved between ’97 and ’04
Dive! style, bubbles at the bottom of the pool, from ’03 to ’04.
Grey photos style, shades of grey and black, from ’03 to this day.