
Still sea
A very still day a the sea, a harbour reflects the sky and the surrounding buildings. The green water reflects the concrete dock. Later, the water shimmers under the declining sun.
Still water on a beach, its ripples reflecting the sunlight. Or in a harbour, distorting the reflection of a light.

Shot during a flood in Paris, in the place where the Seine and Marne rivers meet, opposite a concrete bridge is Chinagora, a Chinese style hotel-conference-shopping center. Under the building stairs are flooded, and ducks pass by.

Ice & snow
Another state of water, ice. Good to have the digital camera always ready, even at defrost time.
Rennes under the snow, just a short moment before the sun came back.

The city of Ducey, in Normandy, has an old stone bridge over the river Sélune. Its arches are reflected in the water.

Flying over water
In 2000 we took one of the last hovercrafts to cross the channel from Calais to Dover. These were wonderful machines, if from a distant unlimited-energy-supply era. With spray all around, these white red and black aircrafts used their propellers to send you flying just over water level…

Splashes & reflections
Water splashing in a fountain in Angers or becoming the power driving a water elevator.
Water going down the eleven locks of Hédé, reflecting the trees in the pools between.
Another waterfall in the Gayeulles park in Rennes with water catching the sunlight, falling from the pond where stems emerge from the water.
Close-up on a waterfall and the reflections that hide there.
Nearby, along the Sèvre Niortaise, trees and the sun are reflected in the water, there are wide still pools and nice paths along the river.
The reflection of a branch fallen in water. Water drops caught in a spider’s web. Reflections on the canal Saint-Martin.
Splashes in the wake of a ship. Air bubbles on a leaf in the water.

The river Vilaine reflected when it crosses downtown in a tunnel.
Water in the city, in black and white among willows, and very green though close to downtown.
Water reflecting a mill close to Rennes
Or a burnt down warehouse in Plaine de Baud.
My favourite papermill (now demolished), and the railroad bridge nearby.
The Longchamps ponds with a waterfall under a concrete roof.

An early morning on the Loire… First the mist is everywhere, then you’ll discover the river.
Nantes harbour, with the blue and white sugar factory, and a sunset.

This place is in the south of Cotentin (Normandy). It is famous for its cascades, which are a beautiful scenery… and wonderful climbing spots.
It is all about rock, water and greenery. In close-up, I can almost hear their gurgling.